Hot spring trend: oriental style in clothing

Perhaps not a single fashion season is complete without the use of oriental costumes in new collections. Spectators are often shown outfits similar to a Japanese kimono, Indian sari or Turkish bloomers. Eastern fantasies represent a generous

How to choose the perfect outfit based on your zodiac sign

Are you interested in astrology and follow the recommendations of weekly horoscopes? – Then it’s time to inspect your wardrobe and find out which clothes suit you according to your zodiac sign, and which things are better to refuse. Astrologers insist on inseparable

Blue color in clothes: color psychology and stylish combinations

Each color has its own meaning, its own character, which influences our lives and behavior much more than it seems. What is color psychology? How do colors affect our emotions? What does each color mean? What is the symbolism of flowers in different cultures? How

The best Chinese fitness bracelets

A detailed guide to smart watches, I also touched upon the question of how smart watches differ from fitness bracelets. To simplify everything, bracelets “track” walks and workouts and display minimal notifications, while smart watches are multifunctional wearable on the wrist

Style lessons: how to hide leg imperfections?

When, if not in summer, wear short dresses and elegant open shoes. But our legs, walking “free,” often look worse than in winter. The feet swell, the heels become rough, calluses appear, and due to the constant struggle with unnecessary hairs, the skin of the feet becomes irritated.